Dave & James Jackson Talk Outsourcing
Have you started outsourcing yet? If not, what’s been stopping you? You probably already intuitively know you can’t do everything yourself – god knows I’ve tried. It wasn’t until I started outsourcing the “right way” that I finally started to see my business grow at warp speed.
What speed is your business growing at?
I think I illustrated this pretty well at Ed Dale’s recent Challenge event where I showed attendees that they are the bottle neck in their business. For most people, they already know more than enough to be hugely successful – maybe you’re the same?
The issue isn’t that you don’t know enough but rather you’re simply not implementing enough of what you do know. And sadly, learning another new technique or tactic from the latest “guru” course isn’t going to help. You need to implement more!
Question: So what’s the secret to implementing more?
Answer: Build a team to help you.
Knowing how important outsourcing is, Pete Williams and I recently ran a workshop to document the whole process we use. Now I know I’m a little biased but I truly believe this was the best course on outsourcing to date.
For starters I think the calibre of internet marketers we had in the room was testament to the level of content provided. We had the Market Samuari boys, Mike Rohdes, Steve Ovens, PPC Mom, Timbo and Luke from the Small Business Big Marketing podcast – and plenty more… but I digress.
I wanted to introduce you to one of the rising stars I personally invited to the workshop. His name is James Jackson (www.outoftheboxsolutions.com.au), and although you might not have heard his name yet, I’m confident in time you will.
When I met James he kind of reminded me of a younger version of me – very astute, great energy, enthusiasm and work ethic. Most importantly he’s got amazing speed of implementation.
Now after attending our workshop, knowing James would have taken massive action, I wanted to check in and see how he’s going. He didn’t disappoint and I recorded a short interview with him that I now wanted to share with you.
It’s always refreshing and insightful to hear how others are building their team… I was especially impressed by James’ plans to go visit his outsourcing team in the Phillipines… now that’s how you create a great culture!
Outsourcing To The Philippines With James Jackson Listen to the recent interview with James Jackson above or click here to download the interview and then post your feedback below.
Your SEO Coach,
Dave Jenyns
Ps. Here’s a short video about the recordings from our workshop – the Outsource Profit Machine DVDs. Although though they’re not quite ready to release to the general public, I’d be keen to know if you’d like to grab a preview copy?
Hi Dave,
I have been listening, taking notes, and working on getting my website ready to sell using the BBS Formula. You really know your stuff. I do, however, have a few suggestions for your presentation, but that will be in a different comment. The reason for this comment today is to ask if you are still offering review copies of the Outsource Profit Machine DVDs. If so, I would like to have a copy. I have outsourced in the past with mixed results. I would really love to learn a more successful way to outsource and build a team for my business.
Thanks for your consideration,
Dianne Corriere
Hi Dianne,
Thanks for your comments and now I’m intrigued to know what suggestions you have… we’re always looking to improve the way we do things.
As for the OPM Dvds, they’re still a few weeks off but you can keep an eye and find out more here: <>
Thanks for your support and if I can help out further just let me know.
Your SEO Coach,
Ps. If you email our support and let them know you’re a BBS member and you’re looking to get the OPM Dvd’s I’m sure we’ll be able to look after you 😉 – we always look after past clients.
The first part of the audio really got my attention Dave. James said he followed a different path instead of going to university as was expected of him. I think you also mentioned you took a similar path as well.
I’m wondering if this is a common thing for young, successful entrepreneurs. A successful WordPress theme designer once told me she no longer thinks it’s even a good idea at all to go to college or university because, like James said, you will only be prepared for a 9 to 5 job.
It still kind of feels weird for me to hear these things but there must be some wisdom to it. I just think maybe it might be a dangerous path to follow if the person is not made of the right stuff to pursue a goal aggressively online. I suppose some parents advice their kids to finish college so that they will at least have a 9 to 5 job to fall back on if things don’t work out…
Hey Chris,
Thanks for the email! I agree and it kinda seems counter intuitive but I think for many people, going to university isn’t always the best option. To stereotype, uni often creates 9-5 robots.
Really depends on the person though… and what profession you want to go into.
A university degree is not a guarantee you will be successful in life. It really depends on what you pursue. I have personally known people who found their fortunes not because of the course they took in college, but because they changed gears and found a different passion.
So if you ask me, it’s really about the passion. Do what you love and everything else will follow.
Hi David, It takes a bit of courage to let go of the reins and trust part of your business to someone else. But this is what business is all about, as you have demonstrated, so I am inspired to surrender part of my control to some outsourcers. Thanks for the encouragement to do just that!
When you want to expand your business you will have to hire an employee. Whether for your physical office or through telecommuting I believe there will come a time when you will no longer be able to function well as a one-man team. Outsourcing is there for you to take advantage of.
I’m a Filipino VA but I’ve also been dabbling in a little outsourcing (out tasking really) for some of my own projects. I out task to my own countrymen or to people in Fiverr. The hardest part really is finding the right people. The second hardest part is communicating properly with the right people. That’s where I believe lots of managers go wrong. You may have the right people but you may be crippling them and your business if you don’t know how to communicate at their level.
Yes, outsourcing is really a great option. It is not only advantageous for the business owner/employer but for the offshore employees as well. The business of the former gets to expand at a cost-effective way while the latter are blessed with opportunity to earn money.
@MJ Couldn’t agree more.
@Elaine The fact is, you can’t build a big business on your own.
@Jon True.
@Grace Finding “a” players is the biggest key to building a great business. If you’re interested in the topic be sure to check out the “Outsource Profit Machine” DVDs that might just what you’re after. You’ll find out more about it on http://www.melbourneSEOservices.com
@Terry I think the way the world is going, flexible working hours and environment just makes more sense.
Great to hear from you guys.