Click here to download the call – How To Become A Pro Blogger
After reading some of the salesletters on Clickbank, it’s easy to get seduced into thinking that you can put up a website on how to become a professional blogger and within a few short weeks have it automatically deposit large amounts of cash into your bank account. I mean who wouldn’t want to believe that’s possible?
Sadly, the truth of the matter is, building an online business is hard work! And deep down you know this is true – anything worthwhile takes hard work.
Knowing full well what it takes to be successful I always have a soft spot for other entrepreneurs starting out. I know it’s hard and a little support goes a long way. So when someone reaches out and is genuinely doing the hard work, I’m all too happy to help!
Most recently, I had a lovely lady in Melbourne named Kate Luella ( reach out and ask if I’d take part in an interview series for a product she was creating. The product was all about blogging and although I don’t consider myself as a world class blogger- I am pretty good with Internet Marketing and building online businesses 😉
Of course I said “yes” and now I want to share with you the recordings from our call. We talked about all things blogging and what it takes to be success online – I know I’m biased but it’s a pretty good call.
Click here to download the call – How To Become A Pro Blogger
Once you’ve checked it out, I’d love to hear what you think and how you’re going in your entrepreneurial journey. Can I help at all?
Your Coach,
Ps. I was blown away when (yesterday) I received a package from Kate. It was completely unexpected and a sign of her appreciation. How cool is that? And you can bet I’ll continue to do my best to help her out! Thanks Kate – you’re on the right track, stick with it, the rewards are worth it.

A little present from Kate… cool eh?