Click here to download the interview.
As an entrepreneur, there’s a very good chance you’ve got a millions of ideas and sometimes you find it hard to identify which ones to focus on. You might ask yourself, which opportunities will have the best chance of success?
It’s important to develop the skill of when to say “no”… “no, this isn’t the right idea for me now.”
But how do you know when to say “yes” and when to say “no”?
It can be hard to let go of your ideas – often you’re emotionally invested and you’ve grown attached to them. But the fact remains, there’s not enough time in the day to do everything and you need a way to filter out what you will and won’t do.
Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about this and how to best filter opportunities to find the ones that put the odds in your favour.

Dale Beaumont
With this bouncing around in my head, I actually had a mutual friend introduce me to a guy called “Dale Beaumont” ( I’d heard his name through a few colleagues – all of which gave glowing reports – but I’d never really seen any of his work.
Anyway, after digging a little deeper, I came across a presentation he’d given called “7 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Business” and I loved it!
In short, over the course of 12 years, Dale has refined his opportunity and business filters down to 7 components. 7 components to increase the chance of success while building a business.
He’s hit the nail on the head and, just a week or two ago, I asked Dale to join me on a call to walk you through his insights – I really believe you’re going to love them too.
Click here to download the interview and discount the “7 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Business”.
And be sure to post a comment below letting me know what you thought. Which filters made most sense do you? How can you apply what you’ve learned? Do you have any other filters you look at when getting involved in business?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your Online Business Coach,
Ps. You can also download Dale’s slides here and I’ll see if I can get my hands the original presentation that caught my attention – stay tuned.